
Rika Kihira skater of Japan. Her amazing reflexes and unique episode of kindergarten.

Rika Kihira skater of Japan blew away the competition with a stellar short program Thursday at the Grand Prix Final, posting the highest women’s score in the world since the judging system was revised ahead of the season.


She has amazing reflexes since kindergarten and had unique episodes.


Let’s check it out!


Profile of Kihira Rika 紀平梨花のプロフィール

Name: Rika Kihira

名前:紀平 梨花(きひら りか)

Day of birth: 21.July.2002(-16 year old-)


Place of birth: Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo Prefecture




Blood type:O


Belongings:Osaka skate club


Hobby:Watching movies, Listening music


Record of Kihira Rika

  • 2015-2016 season
    All Japan Novice Championship A class won
    11th in the All Japan Junior Championship
    2016 Trigraph trophy Novice class victory
  • 2015-2016シーズン
    全日本ノービス選手権Aクラス       優勝
    全日本ジュニア選手権           11位
    2016年トリグラフトロフィーノービスクラス 優勝
  • 2016-17 season
    Figure Skating Reinforcement Players Selection
    ISU Junior Grand Prix Series
    JGP Czech Republic Skate 2nd place
    JGP Ljubljana Cup JGP Final Expansion
    4th in the JGP final
    All Japan Junior 11th
  • 2016-17シーズン
    フィギュアスケート強化選手 選抜
     JGPチェコスケート 2位
     JGPリュブリャナ杯 JGPファイナル進出
     JGPファイナル   4位
    全日本ジュニア    11位
  • 2017-18 season
    Junior Grand Prix Series
    Second place in the JGP Riga Cup
    JGP Ena · Neumarkt 3rd place
    JPG final 4th
    All Japan Junior Championship Championship
  • 2017-18シーズン
     JGPリガ杯         2位
     JGPエーニャ・ノイマルクト 3位
     JPGファイナル       4位
    全日本ジュニア選手権     優勝

Rika Kihira met a skate at the age of 3 and became a figure skating player at the age of 5 as a result of going to the skate classroom due to her sister’s influence.


However, it seems that it was only one of the lessons at the beginning, and she also learned gymnastics, piano and ballet.


What is the surprising educational policy of kindergarden? 幼稚園時代の驚きの教育方針とは?

Hirota kindergarten,where Rika Kihira went to, seems to have set educational policy sticking to exercise, music, learning.


The efforts of Hirota kindergarten are very unique.


The goal is to graduate with everyone being able to walk on the stairs of 14 meters. 全員が14メートルの逆立ち歩きをできるようになって卒園することを目標としている。

Children fly one after another in 9-step jump boxes that are difficult even for elementary school students, and they also do reading and writing and multiplying characters as learned at elementary school.園児たちが小学生でも難しい9段の跳び箱を次々と飛び、小学校で習うような文字の読み書きや掛け算もこなしている。

(From: livedoor news)(引用元:livedoor news

At Hirota Kindergarten, from the kindergarten era, there is a policy that it will lead to self-confidence afterwards and also to lead to mental strength by creating a foundation of the body using various muscles.


“By having challenging difficult things a bit, the ability to think by yourself and your competitive spirit will grow from a young age” (cited by: livedoor news)

「ちょっと難しいことに挑戦させることで、幼いころから自分で考える力や競争心が芽生える」(引用元:livedoor news

Hirota kindergarten thinks that way and is in contact with the children!


Unique episodes of Rika’s kindergarten childhood 紀平梨花さんの幼稚園時代はどんな子だった?

At Hirota Kindergarten, Rika Kihira was outstanding as it was excellent.


Episode of Rika. Super kindergarten child.

  1. When She started skating for the first time in kindergarten,she kept skating for 6 hours saying she would not return even if she fell many times.
  2. She was practicing handstand walking and jumping box 8 steps, and she could walk fairly steadily until I got tired.
  3. Become older at kindergarten and become No. 1 at marathon competition. It was faster than men at the competition running 2 kilometers.
  4. She ran 50 meters at 7 seconds 8.


  1. 初めてスケートをした幼稚園の時、何度転んでも帰らないと言って6時間滑り続けた。
  2. 逆立ち歩きや跳び箱8段を練習していて、逆立ち歩きは疲れるまでいつまでも歩けた。
  3. 年長になってマラソン大会で1番に。2キロを走る大会で男子より速かった。
  4. 50メートルを7秒8で走った。

etc. It seems that he had almost everything necessary for figure skating, learning gymnastics from kindergartens.


If she was going to other sports, she could have done more than that!


Hiroshi Kishi, the president of Hirota Kindergarten,


Everything about “reading, writing, calculating, music, gymnastics” Kihira could “be almighty” (quoted from: livedoor news)

「読み・書き・計算・音楽・体操」のすべてを紀平が「オールマイティにできた」(引用元:livedoor news

And praise.


“Feeling that her friends are looking at envy’s gaze”

“As she grow, she could take a lot of leadership”

(From: livedoor news)



(引用元:livedoor news

You seem to be a lively child.


The teacher at the time also commented that her speed of the race was particularly impressive.


Summary まとめ

Rika Kihira decorated the impact debut as winner of the figure skating Grand Prix series first victory.


The amazing motor nerve was from kindergarten childhood!


I can not keep an eye out!


Thank you for reading.
